Multi-media artist Javiera Estrada was born in Mexico in 1981 and moved to the United States in 1989. Her childhood was heavily influenced by her training in classical piano and violin, which continues to inspire her aesthetic today. She attended Santa Monica College and received her Certificate of Photography in 2009 where she was the recipient of a grant for an award of excellence. Javiera's most recent series "Man vs. Nature" can be seen here in it's entirety. We hope you enjoy the sampling of images below.
"Man vs. Nature explores man’s historically sexist ways of viewing women and their bodies. We censor the natural beauty of nature and glorify man’s violent inventions. Guns and brutality are normalized, while a wholesome nipple is feared and shunned. Man is slowly overpowering all that is natural and pure. Hence, Man versus Nature examines the moral struggle between our organic natures and the absurdity of an outdated piety paradigm."
Estrada’s broad scope of work is a reflection of memories that she has shaped into her reality. A seeker of the spiritual, Estrada believes that every piece of art created is a self-portrait, a physical expression of that inner nameless world our soul inhabits. Using photography as her main visual medium, the sound of the camera's click offers her the perfect confluence between the real and the ethereal. A multifarious artist, Estrada’s creative expression encompasses traditional photography alongside mixed media. Her mixed media works are a comment on the natural cycle of decomposition and reflected through the deconstruction of the image.
You can view Javiera Estrada's full body of work by visiting the PurePhoto online gallery. Her limited ediition prints are available in a variety of sizes and can be custom printed in extra large scale upon request.