Inspired by the story of the Essex and Capt. Pollard. Scenes collected from the cold foggy waters of Nantucket, all the way to the ill-fated seas of the South Pacific...
Matthew Carden has dedicated three decades to crafting imaginative narratives through his food-based commercial and illustrative photography. Collaborating with his wife, a chef/author, for twenty of those years in their acclaimed food photography studio, he garnered recognition for his work featured in cookbooks and magazines. A pioneer in his field and an alumnus of the San Francisco Art Institute, Matthew's creative prowess shines through collaborations with esteemed clients like Chronicle Books, Mattel, Industrial Light and Magic, and Disney, where he transforms everyday scenes using food and miniatures.
His internationally acclaimed art graces galleries worldwide, each piece offering a fresh perspective on the omnipresent world of food. Matthew's oeuvre delves into the significance of food in our memories, cultures, and daily existence, inviting viewers to explore alternate viewpoints. Rooted in our universal connection to food, his storytelling reflects a blend of traditional experience and a childlike vision, resulting in whimsical and agelessly youthful work.
Matthew Carden's talent has earned him numerous accolades, cementing his status as an award-winning photographer.